Food hamper specialists have wrapped-up an expansion move which promises to drive-turnover past the £1.2 million mark and deliver new job opportunities.
The British Hamper Company, which is headed by Directors James Tod and his parents Mike and Liz, has been based at North Carlton since the business was established in 2014, but a growing following worldwide has encouraged them to snap-up large premises in Lincoln.
It’s an exciting time for the company and one that could spell great news for Lincolnshire food and drink producers, as British Hamper looks to introduce new lines to the market.
Today Banks Long & Co revealed that it has leased more than 11,000 sq ft of warehousing in Great Northern Terrace to the company – giving it the extra capacity to grow in line with its ambitions. The British Hamper Company will also continue to work out of its rural offices.
Managing Director James Tod said: “It was my family’s shared enthusiasm for great food, British individuality and a love of gift-giving which inspired us to start the company, which operates as an e-commerce operation.
“We have thoroughly enjoyed growing our sales over the last few years. Being given the opportunity to expand into our new site, will put us on track to grow by 20 per cent over the next year to achieve our targeted turnover of £1.2 million.
“Our team currently comprises a team of five people, in addition to the Directors. However, we get so busy in the run-up to Christmas, when that number rises to 25. We also tend to need more people in the run-up to special dates in the calendar, such as Mother’s Day.”
The British Hamper Company, which produces about 80 different combinations – ranging in price from £25 to the most luxurious at £600 – offers worldwide delivery. It currently attracts orders from customers in more than 50 countries, with popular destinations, including America, Australia, Europe and the Far East.
“We are also very happy to talk to businesses who are potentially interested in exploring our range of hampers to give as corporate gifts, with my sister Alice, heading up the corporate sales side of the business” added James.
The Tods get a real buzz from exclusively sourcing food from British producers, which range from the finest orange marmalde to cheddar cheese biscuits. Those which ultimately “make the grade” are lovingly-made by artisan food producers, who are likely to have won awards which recognise the provenance of their food or drink.
“We are excited about the fact that our expansion will not only allow us to grow as a business, but will ensure we continue to provide personable and friendly customer services whilst maintaining our passion for providing high quality and delicious hampers,” said James.
Banks Long & Co Director William Wall said: “We are delighted to have leased the Great Northern Terrace unit – which marks the latest successful deal completed for landlord Lincoln Polythene Holdings Managing Director Ashley Hobson.
"This property includes ample storage, packing and despatch space, along with a large yard area for delivery vehicles/parking and two-storey office accommodation.
“The British Hamper Company is an exciting business and this site will give its owners plenty of room to meet their current growth plans and future strategy. We wish the Directors the very best for the future.”
Photograph: L to R: Lincoln Polythene Holdings Managing Director, Ashley Hobson, Banks Long & Co Trainee Surveyor, Harry Hodgkinson and James Tod, Managing Director of The British Hamper Company