A first-floor office suite comprising of 7 rooms/ individual offices that could be used as meeting rooms, break-out spaces, or other similar uses. The premises benefit from a fully functioning disabled lift access from the ground floor lobby, its own kitchen, store room, and male & female W/C.
Access to the suite is via Carlton Mews overlooking the neighborhood centre car park.
The offices are finished off to a good standard with a carpeted floor, painted plaster walls, and a suspended acoustic ceiling.
20 The Mews is located to the rear of The Carlton Centre, the largest commercial and shopping destination to the north of Lincoln City Centre, with over 10,000 people living within easy walking distance.
The shopping catchment covers the whole uphill area of the City and the numerous large and affluent villages to the north and east, including Nettleham and Welton.
Current occupiers within the retail park include Pure Gym, Pets at Home, Poundstretcher, Boots, McDonald's, Shoezone, Costa and Peacocks. Other occupiers within the Neighbourhood Centre to the rear include a Lincolnshire Co-operative Post Office and Convenience Store, Yorkshire Building Society, Co-op Travelcare and Betfred.
Occupiers on nearby schemes outside the park include Lidl, B&M, JYSK and a Tesco Superstore.
The Carlton Centre is located approximately 2 miles to the north of Lincoln City Centre, on Outer Circle Road which forms part of the City’s inner ring road.
We understand that mains water, electricity and drainage supplies are available and connected to the property. These have not been tested and interested parties are advised to make their own investigations to the relevant utility service providers.
Town & Country Planning
We understand that the property has consent for uses falling within Class E (Commercial, Business & Services Use) of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended).
Class E now encompasses a number of uses formerly known as A1 (Shops), A2 (Professional & Financial Services), A3 (Restaurant & Cafés), B1 (Business) and D1 (Clinics, Health Centre, Crèche & Day Nurseries).
Interested parties are advised to make their own investigations with the Local Planning Authority.
Charging Authority: Lincoln Council
Description: Office and Premises
Rateable value: £19,000
UBR: 0.512
Period: 2023-2024
Multiplying the Rateable Value figure with the UBR multiplier gives the annual rates payable, excluding any transitional arrangements which may be applicable. For further information, please contact the Charging Authority.
Service Charge
A service charge will be levied to cover the upkeep, maintenance and repair of all common parts of the development. Further details are available on request.
VAT may be charged in addition to the rent at the prevailing rate.
Legal Costs
Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in documenting the transaction.