The property comprises a ground floor retail unit with a prominent glass frontage onto the High Street.
Ancillary accommodation to the rear includes a store cupboard, disabled toilet and a kitchen.
The Landlord will be undertaking general refurbishment works to the property including a refurbished shop front.
The property enjoys a prominent location on the High Street, just south of Tentercroft Street and close to St Marks Shopping Centre and The Ritz (Wetherspoons). National retailers at St Marks include JD Sports, Caffè Nero, Tesco Express, Sports Direct and Stack. This section of the High Street also enjoys a wide variety of local occupiers, including a number of restaurants and takeaways.
The property benefits from a large residential catchment, as well as the University of Lincoln’s main campus, which is located less than a mile to the north.
Lincoln is the shopping and administrative centre for the County of Lincolnshire. It is ranked fourth in the East Midlands Experian City Centre rankings after Nottingham, Derby and Leicester. Lincoln is a popular tourist destination attracting over three million tourists per year, predominantly to visit the Cathedral, which is recognised as one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in Europe.
Lincoln and the surrounding area has a population of circa 543,367 with an estimated total catchment spend of £984.50 million. It it also a growing University City with close to 15,000 students and academic staff based at the main university campus, lying to the east of the city centre, contributing an estimated £250 million a year to the local economy.
Lincoln is situated about 30 miles north east of Nottingham, 45 miles north of Peterborough and 35 miles east of Sheffield.