For Sale - Under OfferServiced Land

Part Plot G, Enterprise West Lindsey, Skellingthorpe Road, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2LR


The property comprises a 0.61 acre serviced plot within the Enterprise West Lindsey scheme.

The seller is to construct the estate road and grant right of way over the access to the south west. More details available on request.


Enterprise West Lindsey is a brand new business park located opposite the established Riverside Enterprise Park and Saxilby Enterprise Park, adjacent to the A57 at Saxilby to the west of Lincoln.

The position provides quick access to the A1 (13 miles) and the A46 Lincoln bypass (5 miles). The A57 trunk road is used by in excess of 12,000 vehicles per day.


Certain mains supplies are available in the estate roads.

These have not been tested and interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries to the relevant utility service providers.

town & country planning

The property has Full Planning Permission under reference number 147628 (West Lindsey District Council) and was approved on the 5th January 2024 for the material change of use of land, erection of buildings and associated development for employment uses falling within any of use classes B1 Business, B2 General Industrial and B8 Storage and Distribution, with means of access, layout of internal estate roads and drainage attenuation features to be considered. Layout (aside from internal estate roads and drainage attenuation features), appearance, landscaping and scale are reserved for future consideration.

Interested parties are advised to make their own investigations with the Local Planning Authority.


The land is available freehold For Sale, free of builder tie.

The purchaser will have the right of way over the estate road southwest of the plot and estate roads, plus common parts of the wider Enterprise West Lindsey development.

The purchaser is to contribute towards the upkeep and maintenance of the estate roads by way of management charge. More details are available on request.


VAT will be charged in addition to the sale price at the prevailing rate.

legal costs

Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in documenting the transaction.