For Sale - Under OfferSemi-Detached Office Suite

Unit 3B, Saxilby Enterprise Park, Saxilby, Lincolnshire, LN1 2LR


The property comprises of a modern semi-detached office suite with 5 allocated car parking spaces.

The property benefits from carpeted floors, painted plastered walls, air conditioning, male and female WC’s, a kitchen and a meeting room which can be altered via removal/erection of partition walls.

There is also a lockup unit to the rear of the property that will remain in situ post sale.


The office space is situated at Saxilby Enterprise Park, an established commercial destination for a wide range of businesses. Saxilby, the popular neighbouring village, has a good range of facilities such as a Lincolnshire Co-op, primary school, post office, medical centre and other leisure establishments.

The site occupies a prominent position adjacent to the A57 at Saxilby to the west of Lincoln. The position provides quick access to the A1 (13 miles) and A46 Lincoln bypass (5 miles). The A57 trunk road is used by in excess of 12,000 vehicles per day.


We understand that mains water, electricity and drainage supplies are available and connected to the property. These have not been tested and interested parties are advised to make their own investigations to the relevant utility service providers.

town & Country Planning

We understand that the property has consent for uses falling within Class E(g) (Commercial, Business & Services Use) of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended).

Interested parties are advised to make their own investigations with the Local Planning Authority.


VAT may be charged in addition to the sale price  at the prevailing rate

legal costs

Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in documenting the transaction.