For Sale - Under OfferPotential Development Opportunity

Former Spa, Coronation Road, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, LN10 6QD


This project offers a unique development opportunity within the popular resort village of Woodhall Spa, which lies approximately 15 miles to the east of Lincoln on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds.

The property represents an opportunity to re-develop the majority of the original Spa building, an area around which the vibrant village of Woodhall Spa grew. The buildings’ foundations were laid in the 1830s and the Pump Room with its beautiful decorative trusses was completed in 1838. The rest of the building followed and with the advent of the railways created a Victorian holiday destination where guests would come and “take the waters” in this very building.

The property forms the majority of what was the former Spa buildings in the village, part of which has now been redeveloped as a gym and beauty spa. The vacant balance of the property we are now offering for sale has been made structurally sound, secure, fully weathertight and ready for first fixing.

The site has planning permission for conversion to holiday lets, but could be suitable for a variety of other leisure and commercial uses and longer term it offers potential for an element of new build development on part of the site, subject to planning.

The plans that have been approved by ELDC allow for the creation of 13 bedrooms within the main building, with extensive outside areas. Access to the site is via a shared car park with the Kinema in the Woods adjacent. The buildings are predominantly laid out over ground floor, but the former water tower also has a first and second storey.

There is a separate self-contained single storey building of similar construction to the other buildings on the site, which is the former hydrotherapy pool and overlooks the first green of the Hotchkin golf course. This has Planning permission for conversion to a 3-bedroom holiday let.

This is a rare chance to revive a part of Woodhall Spa’s history to bring it up to date for the 21st Century. The location and size of the plot offer the potential to create a commercial hub within a thriving and picturesque village, extremely popular with locals and visitors alike.


The property is situated in the well-regarded and attractive village of Woodhall Spa, which lies approximately 15 miles to the east of Lincoln and 5 miles from Horncastle, on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

In addition to being a popular growing and thriving village, Woodhall Spa is one of the most famous golfing destinations in the Country, as the home of two Championship golf courses and is where England Golf is based.

In light of the village’s popularity as an inland holiday resort, there are numerous other attractions, including Jubilee Park where there is a lido, tennis courts and croquet lawns. The Kinema in the Woods - a 4-screen cinema, and various hotels, campsites, restaurants and pubs in addition to an attractive range of local high end retailers and cafés.

The subject property is situated on Coronation Road, a short walk through well-established woodland, to The Broadway, which is the main shopping street and the heart of the village.


We understand that drainage, mains water and electricity supplies are available within the vicinity of the site. However, interested parties are advised to make their own investigations to the respective utility service providers to ascertain the exact location and capacity of each supply in the area.

town & country planning

The property has Full Planning Permission under reference No. S/215/02502/18 and was approved on 7th June 2019 for Change of Use, Conversion of Extensions and Alterations to the Former Woodhall Spa Baths, to Form a Multi-use Leisure Facility for the Purposes of a Health Club, Holiday Let Accommodation and Residential Accommodation at First Floor Level, Conversion of Previous Hydrotherapy Pool into Holiday Let Unit, Provision of Car Parks and Construction of Vehicular and Pedestrian Access.

Plans showing the permitted layout at ground, first and second floor levels are found later in these particulars.
The property has potential for a variety of other leisure uses subject to the receipt of the necessary planning permissions, including the subdivision of the accommodation to provide a number of letting units. Alternative potential layouts are attached later in these particulars.

Interested parties are advised to discuss any proposals they may have for the site with the Local Planning Authority.

method of sale

The site is being offered for sale by way of Private Treaty with offers invited on an unconditional Subject to Contract basis only.


The site is being offered freehold with vacant possession on completion.

The sale will be completed subject to an overage under which, in the event that the Purchasers or their successors in title are able to secure planning permission for private residential development on any undeveloped part of the site, the Vendors will be entitled to a 50% share of any uplift in value of the site, over the current site value at that time, under the existing planning permission of car parking.


VAT may be charged in addition to the price at the prevailing rate.

legal costs

Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in documenting the transaction.